


1. 病因和病史询问

医生:Can you tell me about your symptoms?(你能告诉我你的症状吗?)
患者:I have been experiencing cough, fever, and difficulty in breathing.(我一直有咳嗽、发烧和呼吸困难的症状。)
医生:Have you traveled to any affected areas recently?(你最近去过任何疫情地区吗?)
患者:Yes, I visited a country with a high incidence of pneumonia two weeks ago.(是的,我两周前去过一个肺炎发病率很高的国家。)

2. 体格检查和

医生:I will perform a physical examination on you.(我将为你进行身体检查。)
患者:Okay, please go ahead.(好的,请开始吧。)
医生:Your lungs sound abnormal when I listened to your breath sounds. I suspect pneumonia.(我听了一下你的呼吸音,发现你的肺部听起来不正常。我怀疑你可能得了肺炎。)

3. 辅助检查和确诊

医生:I will order a chest X-ray to confirm the diagnosis.(我会安排一次胸部X射线检查以确认诊断。)
患者:Do I need to do any blood tests as well?(我需要做一些血液检查吗?)
医生:Yes, a complete blood count and sputum culture will help us identify the causative agent.(是的,一份全血细胞计数和痰培养将帮助我们确定致病菌。)

4. 治疗方案和药物处方

医生:Based on your clinical presentation and test results, we will start you on antibiotics.(根据你的临床表现和检查结果,我们将给你开一些抗生素。)
患者:Are there any specific instructions for taking the medication?(使用该药物有什么特别的指导吗?)
医生:Take the antibiotics as prescribed, and complete the full course even if you start feeling better.(按照处方用药,并完成全部疗程,即使你开始感觉好转也要继续使用。)

5. 预后和复诊建议

医生:Your prognosis is generally good, but it may take some time for a full recovery.(你的预后一般是良好的,但需要一些时间才能完全康复。)
患者:When should I come back for a follow-up visit?(我什么时候需要再来复诊?)
医生:I recommend that you come back in one week for a reevaluation.(我建议你一周后再来进行复查评估。)


关于作者: admin

