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height:0; overflow:hidden; left: -9999px; top: -9999px;”>崇州市金摇篮幼儿园英语绘本共享《the very hungry caterpillar》崇州市金摇篮幼儿园
hungry.</p><p>周一,它吃了一个苹果,但仍是很饿。</p> <p>on tuesday he ate through two pears, </p><p>but he was still hungry.</p><p>周二,它吃了两个桃子,</p><p>但仍是很饿。</p> <p>on wednesday he ate through three plums, but he was still hungry.</p><p>周三,它吃了三颗李子,</p><p>但仍是很饿。</p> <p>on thursday he ate through four strawberries, but he was still hungry.</p><p>周四,他吃了四颗草莓,</p><p>仍是很饿。</p> <p>on friday he ate through five oranges, </p><p>but he was still hungry.</p><p>周五,他吃了五个橘子,</p><p>仍是很饿。</p> <p>on saturday he ate through </p><p>one piece of chocolate cake, </p><p>one ice-cream cone, one pickle, </p><p>one slice of swiss cheese,
</p><p>one slice of salami, one lollipop, </p><p>one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, </p><p>one cupcake, and one slice of watermelon.</p><p>周六,他吃了一块巧克力饼、</p><p>一盒冰激凌、一块黄瓜、</p><p>一块瑞士奶酪,</p><p>一片腊肠,一个棒棒糖,</p><p>一个馅饼,一个腊肠,</p><p>一个蛋糕,一片西瓜。</p> <p>that night he had a stomachache!</p><p>到了晚上,他初步肚子疼!</p> <p>the next day was sunday again. </p><p>the caterpillar ate through one nice green leaf, </p><p>and after that he felt much better.</p><p>第二天又是周末端。</p><p>这只毛毛虫吃了一片新鲜的叶子,</p><p>感触许多了。</p> <p>now he wasn’t hungry any more — </p><p>and he wasn’t a little caterpillar any more. </p><p>he was a big, fat
caterpillar.</p><p>如今它总算不饿了——</p><p>而且它也不再是一只小毛毛虫。</p><p>它成了一只大大的、胖胖的毛毛虫。</p> <p>he built a small house, called a cocoon, </p><p>around himself. he stayed inside for more than two weeks. </p><p>then he nibbled a hole in the cocoon, </p><p>pushed his way out and…</p><p>它在自个周围缔造了一个斗室子,叫做茧,</p><p>在里边待了跨越两周。</p><p>然后它把茧咬出一个洞,</p><p>钻了出来,然后…</p> <p>he was a beautiful butterfly!</p><p>它成了一只秀丽的蝴蝶!</p> <p> 亲爱的大兄弟小兄弟们,今日的英语故事共享到这儿就结束啦。故事共享中咱们毛毛虫每天都吃了啥食物呢?最终毛毛虫变成了啥?等待我们明日来和小兄弟一同共享你听到的故事哟。</p> <p>崇州市金摇篮幼儿园秋季报名火热进行中??</p><p>征询热线:王园长13679033890</p><p>征询地址:崇州市永安中路28号(财务局斜对面)</p><p>崇州市金摇篮幼儿园,等待您的参加??</p>