Hit a home run – to be very successful 本垒打,非常红功
A ball park figure – an estimate 估计,估量
Strike out – to fail 失利
Batting a thousand – maintaining a perfect record 坚持非常杰出的记载
Play hardball – use extreme measures to ensure success 为保证成功,运用极点的方法。有一本热销书叫 Hardball,中文翻译为《硬球》。
Go to bat for someone – to aid or support someone 撑持或协助或人
Throw a curve ball – to do something unexpected 做出其不料的事
Touch base – to communicate briefly with someone 和或人做简略交流
To have two strikes – to have the odds against you 处于晦气方位
On the ball – very aware, responsible, and intelligent 非常有知道,担任任,聪明
Sam grew up in a very poor family and wanted to go to college, but he already had two strikes against him because he couldn't speak English very well and he had to work to help his family. After striking out as a chef, he hoped he would hit a home run as a car salesman.
Sam did some research to get a ball park figure of how much he could earn and learned that if he really played hardball he could make over $100,00.00 a year. He asked his friend Paul, who worked
at a car dealership, to go to bat for him and set up an interview with the owner. Paul knew that Sam was really on the ball and would make a great salesman.
During the interview, the owner threw Sam a curveball and told him he would have to improve his English at Mr. Pancake's English Class before he could start working.
Two weeks later, Sam started selling cars and batted a thousand on his first day by selling
a car to everyone he spoke to. Sam continues to touch base with all of his customers and enjoy the success that comes with being a fluent English speaker.????