- 在教师招聘面试考试和教师资格证试讲面试中,如果你抽到的题目是reading阅读课,那么,恭喜你!如果你认真研读我在本文中提供的阅读逐字稿模版,那么,在考试中,你离成功上岸,一定只是时间问题。
- 本篇英语阅读课型逐字稿内容字数控制在了1000字之内,在语速稍微快一点的前提下,加上板书时间,可以将试讲时间控制在9分钟左右,大家切记不要超过9分半钟的时间,因为考试超时,会直接被打断并影响最终的考试得分。
- 本篇逐字稿分为两部分:第一部分为根据八年级上Unit1的一个阅读课程进行详细解析;第二部分,我直接将阅读课型的逐字稿制成了模版稿,大家可以直接根据模版稿进行添加具体内容,然后训练试讲。
- 本片阅读课逐字稿为纯文字形式,因此乍一看好像挺难,其实仔细逐段研读几遍,你就会发现其实阅读课真的很简单,如果有疑问的地方,可以参照本专栏的第四章节,里边有阅读课和听说课的授课详细思路,也可以在下单后,直接私信我。
- 还有在这里要提醒大家,教师招聘试讲考试,我们要全英文讲课,口语流畅且标准,那绝对可以碾压所有同考场的其他考生,因此我们一定要背诵这篇阅读课的逐字稿,这非常重要,考试时你的口语会流利的连自己都惊讶。而且在考试中阅读课和听说课的题型抽到的概率会非常大,因此大家一定要认真对待。
- 还有在试讲环节时,这绝对是考官纯主观打分,因此考生一定要面带微笑,面带微笑,面带微笑,重要的事情说三遍。考官跟你无冤无仇,所以一定不能横眉冷对考官们。Smiling can bring you closer to the examiners. 一个笑起来甜美可人的考生,普遍面试试讲要比其他考生高3分。请记住,爱笑的人运气都不会差,所以在面试考试时,一定不要吝啬自己的笑容。但是千万不要笑的让考官觉得你是个傻子,这样就很尴尬了。
题目:人教版英语课本八年级上第5页,Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? 阅读课(Reading)模版
- Teaching aims: 教学目标
- Knowledge aim(知识目标): Students can learn some new words and learn some knowledge about Penang. 学生可以学习一些新单词和槟榔屿的知识。
- Ability aim(能力目标): Students can improve their reading skills, especially through extensive reading to grasp the main idea of the passage and through intensive reading to grasp the specific information of the passage and learn to guess the meaning of the words according to the context of passage. 通过泛读掌握文章的主旨,通过精读掌握文章的具体信息,并根据文章的上下文猜单词的意思,提高学生的阅读能力。
- Emotional aim(情感目标): Students can improve their interest in learning English and improve their awareness of cooperating with others. 提高学生学习英语的兴趣,提高与他人合作的意识。
- Key and difficult points: 重难点
- Key point(重点): Let students learn some new words and improve their reading abilities.让学生学习一些新单词,提高阅读能力。
- Difficult point(难点): Let students use the language learned from reading the passage into real situations. 让学生将从阅读文章中学到的语言运用到综合实际生活语言情景中。
- Greeting开场(目的:介绍自己,礼貌开场白,面带微笑,入场大方自然。)
Good morning, my dear examiners.(鞠躬) I am the Examinee No.1. Today my topic is Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Can I begin my class now?Thank you!(鞠躬)
- I. Warming-up热身环节:猜谜语
目的:用谜语来引入本课所要学习的一个国家——马来西亚, 展示老师口语NB,引入学习内容,激发学生学习兴趣。
Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today? Fine, good. I am fine, too. Before this class, I will give you a riddle. It is about a country. You should guess which country it is. Now let’s listen carefully. It is beautiful and hot which is beside South China Sea. The fruits there are very delicious. Lots of Chinese people like traveling there every year. Who can tell me which country it is? Linda. “Vietnam.” Cathy, “Singapore”Gina,“Malaysia” “Yes, Gina has had a really good guessing. It is Malaysia.”
- II. Pre-reading读前环节:1. 头脑风暴; 2. 解决词汇障碍; 3. 预测阅读文章大意
(①Brainstorming头脑风暴-必选)Boys and girls, Have you ever heard about this country? Yes, also all of you want to travel to that country. Okay, my question“If you are in Malaysia, what will you do?” You can have a discussion with your group mates and three minutes will be given to you. Then I will choose someone to tell me. Now do it, go. Time is up. “Lucy, please. Good, sit down, please. Lucy just said she would go to the beaches to enjoy the sunshine. Cathy, good, sit down, please. Cathy said she would eat different kinds of fruits. Linda, good, sit down, please. Linda just said she would go swimming and sleep under the sun.” Boys and girls, all of you will do different things when you are in Malaysia.
(②Obstacle解决词汇障碍–2选1)However, there is an interesting
kind of sport which is also very famous in Malaysia. Can you guess what it is? Now, let’s look at the picture on the screen. What can you see in it? Yes. There is a man taking a big umbrella flying in the sky by big wind. Though it is dangerous but exciting. So can you tell me which sport it is? Yes. It is paragliding. Follow me, please. Paragliding, paragliding.
(③Prediction做预测–2选1) Boys and girls, next we are going to read a new passage. Now according to the word and mind-map on the blackboard. Can you predict what we are going to read about. Lily, please. Your answer is novel. Sit down, please. Cindy. Good, sit down, please. Your answer makes me feel different. Okay, different students will have
different ideas of the prediction about the main idea of the passage.
- III. While-reading读中环节:1. 第一遍读,泛读;2. 第二遍读,快速阅读找难单词,并猜词义;3. 第三遍阅读,精读。
(1st-reading,泛读找大意)Now let’s read the passage for the first time and find out the main idea of the passage and check your predictions. I will give you three minutes. Now do it. Time is up. Who can tell me the answer? Catherine, please. Good, sit down, please. Catherine said the passage is mainly about the activities Jane did on vacation in Penang. Your answer is right. Boys and girls,
claps for Catherine.
(2nd-reading,快速阅读,猜词) Now let’s read the passage for the second time quickly and then find out the word“trader”. Then you should guess the meaning of the word based on the context of the passage. Three minutes will be given to you. Now do it, go. Time is up. Who can tell me the answer? Jack, please. Yes, it means that the person who trades or does business with others. Jack has done a very good job. Sit down, please.
(3rd-reading,精读,完成表格) Now let’s read the passage for the third time and then fill in the chart quickly. I will give you five minutes and then some students will be chosen to write the answers on the blackboard. Now let’s do it quickly, go. Time is up. Tom and Julia, please. If you have finished, go back to your seat. Now, everyone, let’s check the answers together. We can know that all the answers are right. They have finished this task wonderfully. Boys and girls, now please clap for Tom and Julia.
- IV. Post-reading 读后环节:讨论discussion
1. 读后环节需要将读前和读中的所学知识和能力运用在老师设定的真实且综合的语言情境中去,让学生运用所学知识解决实际生活中的问题。
2. 可以实施的活动有:辩论debate,复述retelling,讨论discussion,对话conversations,角色扮演role-play等活动,而且这些活动可以体现任务型教学法,交际型教学法以及情境型教学法。
3. 可以实施小组活动,活跃课堂气氛,小组合作学习也是主考官要看重的点;
4. 这里的语言有线索:主(题)–(分)组–形(式)–时(间)–(分)享.
(主)All of you have read the passage very well and also mastered the language from the passage. I am so proud of you. This time, I need you to have a hot discussion with your group mates(形) about your own last vacation and the activities you did there. You can ask each other with the question “What did you do last vacation?” And finish the mind-map. (组)I will divide you into 6 groups and (时)give you five minutes. (享)Later some students will be chosen to have a report with the first sentence “Last vacation, different students did different interesting things. As for me, I……”. Now,let’s begin to do it.
Time is up. Who can have a sharing? Jane, please. Good job. Sit down, please. Jane’s performance really amazes me and he has a very strong ability in speech. Boys and girls. Now please clap for Jane.
- V. Summary 总结:老师带着学生一起总结;也可以,学生总结,其他学生补充。
Time runs so fast. Let’s have a summary of this lesson. I will lead you to have a conclusion. This lesson, we have learned the words and know some knowledge about Penang, also we have practiced our reading abilities, especially in grasping the main idea through extensive reading and in grasping the specific information through intensive reading and also learn to guess the meaning of the words according to the context of the passage.
- VI. Homework 家庭作业:让学生写封信给Jane。
Al last, I will give you my homework. You should write a letter to Jane about your own last vacation. You can refer to the mind-map you have finished just now. Next class, I will choose someone to have a sharing. Goodbye, everyone.