没有几句炫酷的英语口语,怎么出去震慑小火伴啊! 从速跟春喜外语来看一看下面的25句炫酷的往常英语口语
1.没长大成人的英语 啥了不起!: it is not a big deal!
2.逐渐来: easy does it.
3.别逼我: don’t push me.
4.有急事: it is urgent.
5.玩得很高兴: have a good of it
6.胡说8道:totally nonsense
7.还没睡呀?: till up?
8.没联络: it doesn’t make any differences.
9.别让我绝望: don’t let me down.
10.天主的组织: god works.
11.我看行: it will work
12.言归正传: go down to business
13.不关我事: none of my business
14.不管用: it doesn’twork.
15.别生我气: don’t take ill of me
奖了: don’t flatter me.
17.我了个去:holy crap;
18.额滴神啊:oh my god;
19.我的天哪:jesus christ;
20.天晓得!:who knows!
21.牛了b了:freaking awesome;
22.神马东西:what the hell;
23.傻了吧唧:stupid 长大成人的英语ass;
24.闭嘴吧你:shut the fuck up;
25.臭不要脸:you’ve got such a nerve;
想晓得更多的炫酷的往常长大成人的英语英语口语吗?想在火伴面前酷酷的吗?从速来春喜外语吧,http://www.tracyclass.com,专业一对一外教,帮你快速掌控地道的往常英语口语,当即注册,还有更多惊喜等着长大成人的英语 你哦!回来搜狐,查看更多