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style=”position: absolute; width:0; height:0; overflow:hidden; left: -9999px; top: -9999px;”>柯桥商务英语:啥是看不见的大手泓畅教育钱教师

<br>what is the invisible hand?<br>啥是看不见的手?<br>there are few concepts in the history of economics that have been misunders
tood, and misused, more often than the "invisible hand." for this, we can mostly thank the person who coined this phrase: the 18th-century scottish e conomist adam smith, in his influential books the theory of moral sentiments and (much more importantly) the wealth of nations.<br>在经济学史上,很稀有概念比“看不见的手”更简略被误解和误用。为此,咱们要谢谢创造这个短语的人:18世纪苏格兰经济学家亚当·斯密,他在其颇具影响力的作品《道德情味论》和更为重要的《国富论》中提出了这个词。<br>by the time he wrote the wealth of nations, published in 1776, smith had vastly generalized his conception of the "invisible hand": <br>当史密斯于1776年宣告《国富论》时,他就广泛地归纳了“看不见的手”的概念:<br>people who pursue their own selfish ends in the market (charging top prices for their goods, for example, or paying as little as possible to their workers) actually and unknowingly contribute to a larger economic pattern in which everybody benefits, poor as well as rich.“<br>那些在商场上寻求自个私益的人(例如,对他们的产品收取最高价格,或许尽可以少地支交给他们的工人)实践上在不知不觉中促进了一种更大的经济方法,在这种方法中,不管穷户仍是有钱人都获益。”<br>you can probably see where we 柯桥零基础成人英语,商务英语18757519765


关于作者: admin

